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Persian Limes and its properties

The lime is a real nutritional treasure and very beneficial or our healt. It is a healing fruit par exellence, because it provides us with vitamins, eliminates toxins and is a powerful bactericide, for which the WHO recomends its regular consumption.

Lemons flourish all year round and its varieties are classified according to the ripening time of their fruits. Lemons have many uses in the kitchen: they are used to season, to cook food or to make liquors. Its aroma and essence is used especially in confectionery and pastry.

Properties and beneits:

- Antibacterial: The lemon has a great bactericidal power.

- They strenthen the immune system: Lemons due to their high content of vitamin C and flavonoids, help strengthen your immune system by increasing your body´s defenses. They also prevent diseases, especially of the respiratory tract.

- Mantains the body´s pH: Although lemons are rich in citric acid, in the long run they help you to alkalize you body, helping to restore the pHof your body. If in your diet there is an abundance of red meat, refined foods, additives or coffe, your body can become acidic.

- Detoxifiess the body: Lemon stimulates the liver and helps eliminate toxins. One of the most effective remedies to detoxify your liver is to take the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon every morning on an empty stomach, along with half a glass of water, and wait a half hour for it to take effect before taking others foods. In addition, lemon increases the peristaltic movements of the intestines, helping the body to better eliminate the wastes of digestion. The digestive properties of lemon juice help the discomfort of heavy digestions.

- Helps dissolve stones: The citric acid in lemons helps prevent and dissolve gallbladder stones, as well as calcium deposits that can lead to kidney stone formation.

- Take care of the brain: In addition to vitamin C, lemon contains potassium, which is very beneficial for our nervous system and our brain.



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