When reading or listening to dragon fruit it is inevitable to think that it may have a fantastic origin. Does this have something to do with Game of Thrones or a real dragon? Nothing is further from reality. The dragon fruit is nothing more than, as its name suggests, a fruit that by its appearance seems to be taken from some fantastic story.

The Pitaya or Dragon Fruit, native to Mexico and several countries in South America, is know for being brightly colored and strenge in appearance, usually dark red, pink or yellow, and with a sweet pulp but with a mild flavor. It is a exotic fruit that few people hace tried. If you are one of those who did not know it, go ahead and try the dragon fruit and its healt benefits.
- The Dragon Fruit is an extremely effective tool against cellular aging, thanks to the betalain pigments that it includes in its compositions. Action that also effects the elasticity and luminosity of the skin.
- The carotenes it contains, another pigment found in certain plant cells, helps to strengthen memory.
- The Dragon Fruit is ideal to lead a natural treatment against constipation, heartburn, stomach ulcers or gastritis. But above all to relieve the pain of these conditions. Its seeds are also rich in essential oils that improve intestinals transit.
- A weekly serving provides an extra dose of resistence to the body against infections.
- Simulates the production of white and red blood cells and platelets, and strengthens the immune system.
- The sage of the plant is used to treat different types of wounds through its healing and healing properties, This same compound is used to make homemade shampoo, which is highly effective for treating headaches and dandruff.