With MCCORFRESH you will meet interest things about papaya

Papaya is a tropical fruit native to Central America that has many beneficial health properties. It has an ovoid shape, the skin is yellow green in color and its interior is full of black, shiny and spicy seeds. It has a very juicy reddish pulp similar to that of melon and with a sweet and smooth flavor. It is rich in papain, the enzyme that gives this fruit a multitude of very interesting properties for health.
We can find many varieties of papaya as it is a plant that reproduces by seeds. We distinguish different types based on their agronomic characteristics:
- Milky papaya: it is highly esteemed for its pleasant flavor and for its healthy virtues. It has a purifying effect and is a stimulant of digestion.
- Mountain papaya: it extends through the mountainous areas from Panama and Peru to Chile. This small, fist sized fruit has a juicy pulp with a sweet and aromatic flavor.
- Kitchen papaya: Also called raw papaya, it is considered a delicious snack in Thailand. It is a green fruit, harvested too early and cannot be eaten fresh, so it must be cooked to be eaten.
- Papayuela: it is a relative similar to papaya that grows mainly in Colombia reaching heights of up to 3000 meters. As fresh fruit it is not very pleasant but cooked in syrup acquires an exquisite flavor. That is why it is used especially in compotes and jams.
- Babaco: it is perfect for fresh consumption, since it has no seeds and can be eaten with its skin. It grows in a tree of three meters maximum and the fruits hang individually from long petioles attached to the trunk. It has a very refreshing flavor, a mixture reminiscent of apple, strawberry and pineapple.
- Bahía: it is a variety that has the ideal weight of approximately 1 kg and a very practical size for domestic use. When the fruit is ripe, its flesh, salmon in color, has an exquisite flavor, reminiscent of apricot and raspberry at the same time; it has a high level of acidity compared to the rest of the varieties and that makes it very refreshing and fruity.
- Alone: the fruit is green at first, and as it matures, it acquires a yellow hue. It is common for some brown spots to appear on the skin but this does not affect its quality. Its juicy pulp has a flavor reminiscent of melon. This variety ranks first in the world in terms of export.
- Papaya in Mexico is known as the fruit of good health.
- It is used in the food industry to tenderize meat, in textiles to marinate wool and cotton fibers, and in leather tanning.
- The seeds, although normally discarded, are edible and can be used crushed to dress salads. They have a very spicy flavor reminiscent of mustard.
